Engage industry practitioners to

inform policy decisions
assess the impact of change

Engage industry practitioners to innovate

We are the solution provider for UK Digital Sandbox, sponsored by the FCA and the City of London Corporation.

How can you benefit from our platform?

Engage industry

Engage industry to crowdsource feedback, product ideas and solutions. Practical feedback can help drive policy based on experiments and data.

Assess impact

Invite a specialised user base to assess the impacts of a particular policy change, or emerging technology, on the industry in a neutral, secure environment.

Collaborate with regulators

Engage other regulators locally or globally to address common challenges in a secure environment. Shared datasets, technical tools and collaboration tools simplify the process.

Whitelabel our environment

Test and upgrade your essential processes such as Know Your Customer (KYC), Anti Money Laundering (AML), Financial Crime or Transaction monitoring.

Engage industry to crowdsource feedback, product ideas and solutions

Practical feedback can help drive policy based on experiments and data.


  • Create Events
  • Build teams
  • Engage expertise
  • Participate in Hackathons


  • Open API Marketplace
  • Data Supermarket
  • Data Sandbox
  • App Dev Sandbox
  • Open API testing
  • Cloud Sandbox Management


  • Demo solutions
  • Engage with feedback
  • KPIs Dashboard

FCA TechSprint 2019 Winner Fintechs. NayaOne

FCA TechSprint 2019

Accenture 2019-2020 Fintech Lab Graduate Fintech. NayaOne

Accenture 2019-2020 Fintech Lab

Wealth & Finance 2020 Best Innovation Platform Winner Fintechs. NayaOne

Wealth & Finance 2020
Best Innovation Platform Winner

Get started with NayaOne